Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Thanksgiving was a tough day, but I am actually praising God that I still had to work! It kept me so busy so I was not pinning away missing my family in PA!

Today, I am grading my student's autobiographies. It is actually a great time! I am learning so much about their past and what is special to them.

One of my students is an excellent writer and her life story (even at the age of 10) is touching and filled with the grace of God. She has such a heart for the Lord, the story literally brought me to tears! I think I might have an author here!

But she ends with this, "My life is still short, but plentiful and i am so blessed by the Lord!"

May we always recognize how SHORT our life is here, yet how PLENTIFUL it is through the HAND of the LORD! What innocence, yet divine wisdom! This is why I LOVE teaching kids.....not so much when they are being michevious!

1 comment:

Joshua said...

You can always beat them when they are being bad you know! lol - just my opinion.