Thursday, August 28, 2008

The view from the roof of my house

One of my favorite places of the whole house is the roof. It is so gorgeous up there. You have this amazing view of the trees and in the distance is the ocean. You can also see the little village is that down the hill from our compound, but I will talk about that adventure later. I have been going up there to watch the sun rise a bit and read my devotions. One of the first sermons I heard here (yes in English) was an encouragement to not only read, but also to study, meditate, and memorize scripture. I took her advice and have been attempting to memorize Romans 12:9-21. I believe this will be my new life verse. I found it the other day while reading through Romans and it really struck me as such good advice in so many areas of life. So far I have memorized (don’t worry I’m not cheating) …Love must be sincere, hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves. “ So not very far yet. But pole pole (slowly) I will learn. Anyway, I love the roof. It is a great place to go when you are just sick of being yelled at or stared at.

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