Thursday, January 15, 2009

Atypical Friday= any friday in Africa

2 Chronicles 29:12 "You hold strength and power in the palm of your HAND to build up and strengthen all."

Now I would just struggle to teach this verse to children in a way that allows kids to remember it forever, but one missionary here did just that. I do not use this lightly, but he is a man anointed by God. Even in his children you can see the love of Christ and the way he treats his is a strong testimony here.

Anyway....the kids had so much fun during assembly, yet he still managed to teach them a great truth for their lives.

He started by reading the verse and then holding an arm wrestling contest. The kids were screaming they were so excited: grade against grade and boys against girls. You should have seen their faces when some girls won!

But the winners were given books (always a great gift) but he followed it by a short talk. He spoke how we need to hold the hand of God to get his strength and power. But for the kids...he made them make a fist and pound their chest screaming STRENGTH AND POWER with their hand up every time he said "hand". Well as you can imagine he said "hand" A LOT! so the kids were pounding their chests and screaming with their hands up in the air about God's strength and power.

But they had a blast doing it. And they now remember that in God's hand he holds strength and power for us to have when we go and hold his hand.

How often do we forget that these concepts are taught in scripture everywhere and are simple enough for a child to understand? I hope God gives me some ideas like this as I teach Bible the rest of year.

Lesson: Never underestimate how much kids can comprehend in the Bible.

He ended the talk with screaming out: God's hand is a hand of: Friendship, partnership, guidance, help and protection. But he (of course) said hand each time..making the kids yell strength and power over and over...but what great reminders!

A great start to the exciting...until a tarantula was found in the girls bathroom! A huge one...but don't worry the gardeners took care of it. I guess Africa is still Africa! lol

now off to pick up some rugs. Normally a simple task, but we are going to the one warehouse where they have a store. And our directions are "turn right past after the big Shamo building down the 2nd dirt road. (one of the worst roads I have been on since coming) Go to the end and turn at the sign. " (not the sign for the store, but a different sign that talks about a school...yup for their store they put out a sign about a school...helpful!)

Wish me luck! :-)

1 comment:

Trisha said...

so often I would get directions from a Ugandan to where I was going. Their directions would be, "it is just there." and they would point down the road, and i would be dumb-founded on what they meant.
Gotta love directions!