Thursday, November 13, 2008

Drilling the teacher

Yesterday, I felt like I was put in the hot seat with the spotlight turned on! For some reason, my kids suddenly all decided to question faith, God, and the Bible...and ask me if I knew the answers. It started with our discussion of the Romans and how they believed in many gods and goddess. So I took that opportunity to clearly define who is God and who I put my faith in. I explained the difference between lower case "g" and God.

Through it all, I was so thrilled to see how many of the kids were truly seeking answers. You could see the tentativness as they first asked. And as the questions continued, I was able to tell them that questions are fine and it is perfectly alright if they answer my question of "do you believe every single word that is in the Bible?" with "I don't know". So we ended up going through questions and answers of some major Biblical doctrine. Me, trying my best to say things in a way they can understand it, but still speak the absolute truth. I was praying so hard the whole time.

The sad part was to see the many different experiences that these students have already seen of demonic influences and pagan rituals. One of my girls (from India) was at a temple with her friend. A man was proclaiming to bea god, so she walked up to him to "test" him. And asked him what her mother's name was. Now this man didn't know her at all. And he knew her mother's name. she was very frightened and had been wondering about this since it happened. I had to explain to her (and my class) that demons have knowledge and power and pretend to be angels of light. But in the end I think she was reassured once i continued stressing who had the most power and who would in the end win the fight. I must have said a hundred time (well maybe not that many) that she can not trust anything that doesn't come from the Bible. That the devil is liar and trying to trick us.

There were some good questions raised and some were left unanswered for them to seek the answer themselves.

i was exhausted at the end of the day, but also encouraged. So many kids from christian families just listen to what they are told, but never accept it for themselves. Several of my students are really struggling with working out their faith and trying to understand what they themselves believe.

Two students were totally not concerned. They had already weighed the cost and decided to side with the Lord. It was so neat to see how comfortable they were with all these questions having thought through them and even offered some answers.

As much as I love my students, all these questions really messed up my teaching schedule! lol For good reasons I guess.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Hi - this is Melissa, the teacher that was in your position at HOPAC a year ago. Reading your blog reminds me so much of my class last year. What great opportunities God is giving you to share the truth! But it definitely keeps you on your toes. I also know that the 4th grade teacher last year had some interesting discussions with that class too. Enjoy the time you have with them, it goes by oh so quickly!